Chaplaincy services play a key role in supporting schools to provide pastoral care. Diane Norris is employed by YouthCARE and brings fifteen years of chaplaincy experience in caring for the social and emotional wellbeing of students, families and staff.

Diane will be an integral part of our student services and wellbeing team, providing pastoral care using a non-judgemental approach when supporting students, staff, families and the wider community. Di’s strong local community connections will increase opportunities for local services to support a range of initiatives within the school. Diane’s support will assist our students to achieve their potential both academically and in their social and family lives.

Whilst chaplaincy is a Christian initiative, it respects the rights of all belief systems. Spirituality is not discussed unless the student raises it in conversation.

The school chaplain supports students, staff and families individually as well as facilitating various programs and activities such as;

  • Social and Emotional learning programs
  • Mental health and wellbeing programs
  • Mentoring and role modelling
  • Community development events and activities
  • Education support programs
  • Grief and loss programs

Teachers, parents and students themselves can ask to speak to the chaplain. Referrals can also be made via the class teacher or directly to Diane. Chaplaincy operates on an opt-out basis. If you would not like the Chaplain to speak to your child, please email the school.